Pharmacy: Set up NPLEx system

Knowledge Base, Pharmacy, Setup

Important: Before a pharmacy can be converted, it must comply with state and federal laws for tracking pseudoephedrine (PSE) through the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx). The pharmacy must go to Meth Check to register, acquire its two-year history of tracking pseudoephedrine (PSE) prescriptions, and provide that history to Paladin Data Corporation for use in Paladin […]

Stop Meth system setup

About, Knowledge Base, Pharmacy, Policy, Process, Setup

When a customer purchases certain pharmacy items, the Stop Meth system alerts the cashier to collect more required information and a signature. The customer’s name, phone number, ID number, and state will be printed on the receipt, stored in the database, and appear on the transaction report. A manual or electronic signature will also be […]

Stop Meth Transaction Report

Knowledge Base, Reports, Setup

You can create a report that hides sensitive data that is not meth-related, but can still meet the stop-meth reporting requirements. This report will reveal notes, customer ID, payment type, amount, and signature. To run the report: In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Reports module. In the Report Area pane, select Sales Analysis > […]