When a customer purchases certain pharmacy items, the Stop Meth system alerts the cashier to collect more required information and a signature.

  • The customer’s name, phone number, ID number, and state will be printed on the receipt, stored in the database, and appear on the transaction report.
  • A manual or electronic signature will also be required from the customer. If the pharmacy does not use a signature capture pad, a second receipt will be printed for the customer to sign.
  • The signed receipt must be retained in the store’s records.

This article provides instruction and information on the following:

How to set up Stop Meth class ID

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Class tab.
  3. In the Classes pane, click New.
  4. In the Name box, enter StopMeth.
  5. In the Class ID box, enter 5000. If 5000 has already been used, enter a different Class ID.
  6. Click Save, then click Close.

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How to set up the restricted class for Stop Meth

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Company tab.
  3. In the Restricted Class pane, check Enable Restricted Classes.
  4. In the Restricted Class Number box, enter the Class ID. Note: It should be the same number you entered for the Stop Meth Class Number when you set up the Class tab.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the Pharmacy tab.
  7. Check Enable Pharmacy Features.
  8. In the Meth pane, select Paladin from the Stop Meth System list.
  9. In the Stop Meth Class Number box, enter the Class ID.
  10. Optional: In the Meth pane, enter a note in the “Stop Meth” Receipt Text box. Refer to your state regulations for the Stop Meth requirements for receipt text. The note will appear on the printed receipt when someone purchases a product that was assigned to the Stop Meth class.
  11. Click Save, then click Close.

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How to assign the Stop Meth class to items

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Inventory module.
  2. In the Inventory tab, enter the Part # or press F1 Adv. Lookup to search for an item.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. In the Classes pane, select one of the lists that is set to 0 > None, then change it to 5000 > StopMeth.
  5. Click F12 Save.
  6. To add additional items, repeat steps 3-6.

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If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact support@paladinpos.com.

*Content is subject to change. For the most recent version, visit the Help Portal.
Printed on: 4/19/24