Price/Margin Changes Report

Inventory, Knowledge Base, Reports

The Price/Margin Changes report shows the price and margin of inventory items on a given day/date. To create the report: In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Reports module. In the Report Area pane, select Inventory > History. In the Report List pane, select Price/Margin Changes. In the Choose Report pane, click F12 Next. In the Report Settings pane, select the […]

Markup and margin calculator

About, Inventory, Knowledge Base, Process

In business, the markup is the price spread between the cost to produce a good or service and its selling price. In order to ensure a profit and recover the costs to create a product or service, producers must add a markup to their total costs. In business, margins are the differences between the price of a […]

Profit Analyst

About, Inventory, Knowledge Base, Process

Profit Analyst lets you view average cost and market cost profits and margins for any line item in your invoice or quote along with the invoice or quote total. As you make changes on the invoice, Profit Analyst shows you the resulting margin and profit values. All values are pre-tax (subtotal) values. This article provides […]

Set minimum margin for a department

Knowledge Base, Process, Setup

To set the minimum margin for a department: In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup. Select the Dept tab. If you have multiple stores, in the list of stores, highlight the store where you want to make the change. In the list of departments, highlight the department that you want to edit. When […]

The many uses for reference margin


You think you understand reference margins? Did you know reference margins can be used to perform three separate functions essential to maintaining proper pricing control? If you’re not a fan of skewed margins, attend this webinar to learn how to get them back where you want them.

Margin Master

Inventory, Knowledge Base, Process

Important: In a multi-store, Margin Master must not be used to import/export inventory price updates to the Corporate (0) location. Note: Margin Master and Data Imports will update all pricing levels if they had a negative margin set up and the first pricing level changes. This article contains instruction and information on the following: Margin […]

Reference margins

About, Conversion, Inventory, Knowledge Base, Process, Setup

You can specify a reference margin to calculate the retail price of an item by using the market cost when an item is received by an EDI process or a manually-received purchase order. When you set a reference margin, you will maintain a constant margin on an item as the market cost fluctuates. For example, […]