Multi-Store: Alternate Sales Report

Invoice/Quote, Knowledge Base, Multi-store, Reports, Setup

Note: This feature is Multi-store only. Multi-store Paladin clients have available the Alternate Sales report that accompanies end-of-month customer accounts receivable statements. The Alternate Sales report focuses on customer accounts that were defined with Open Item accounting systems. A historic component of open item accounting is to display every unpaid invoice and unapplied credit regardless […]

Multi-Store: Store Zero (0) parameters

Inventory, Knowledge Base, Multi-store, Process, Setup

Note: This KBA is for multi-stores only. Paladin maintains a master copy of all inventory items. Paladin maintains this data as belonging to Store 0. Anytime there is a change in physical locations to the Corporate location, data is stored for Store 0. For a multi-store client, each store maintains a significant amount of store-specific […]