Multi-Store: Alternate Sales Report
Note: This feature is Multi-store only. Multi-store Paladin clients have available the Alternate Sales report that accompanies end-of-month customer accounts receivable statements. The Alternate Sales report focuses on customer accounts that were defined with Open Item accounting systems. A historic component of open item accounting is to display every unpaid invoice and unapplied credit regardless […]
Multi-Store: Enable PO copy to other stores
A common function to many multi-store operations is to create a purchase order for one store and copy or duplicate the PO into other store’s pending purchase orders. In Paladin, purchase order creation is unchanged; you just need to set the Enable Copy PO To Other Stores function. If the feature has been enabled and […]
Multi-Store: Store Zero (0) parameters
Note: This KBA is for multi-stores only. Paladin maintains a master copy of all inventory items. Paladin maintains this data as belonging to Store 0. Anytime there is a change in physical locations to the Corporate location, data is stored for Store 0. For a multi-store client, each store maintains a significant amount of store-specific […]
Multi-Store: RF unit limited to local store
Note: This article is for multi-stores only. All RF units automatically disconnect if a user on the RF hosting terminal logs into another store. While the hosting terminal is connected to a distant store, the F8 RF Unit button is grayed out.
Multi-Store: Single item transfer credit PO
Note: This KBA is only for use with a multi-store client. Note: The single item transfer system is no longer automated. If this feature is enabled, the invoice and inventory screen transfer functions will no longer deduct the transferred quantity from the supplying store. Instead, a credit PO is created in the requesting supply store […]