Rewards: Exclude Special Orders from calculating rewards

Knowledge Base, Rewards

Note: This feature only applies to Ace Rewards, Rich Rewards, and Repeat Rewards. To exclude special orders from calculating rewards: In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup. Select the Class tab. Create a new class named “SO Rewards Exclusion.” Click New. In the Name box, enter: SO Rewards Exclusion In the Class ID […]

Multi-Store: Remote Special Orders

Inventory, Knowledge Base, Setup

Note: This article is for multi-stores only. Note: Paladin’s best practice is only create special orders for the local store. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup. Select the Company tab. In the Special Orders pane, check Enable Multistore Special Order Functionality. Optional: Check Allow Special Orders to Create Customers Note: Each […]