Pharmacy: Set up NPLEx system

Knowledge Base, Pharmacy, Setup

Important: Before a pharmacy can be converted, it must comply with state and federal laws for tracking pseudoephedrine (PSE) through the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx). The pharmacy must go to Meth Check to register, acquire its two-year history of tracking pseudoephedrine (PSE) prescriptions, and provide that history to Paladin Data Corporation for use in Paladin […]

RX enhancements you will want to see


Ever have a feeling you are missing out on some of the best RX features in Paladin Point of Sale? Look no further than this webinar. The video will show you some RX features you may or may not have missed inside your Point of Sale System.

Pharmacy: Controlled substance management

Knowledge Base, Pharmacy, Policy, Process, Setup

Some states have State-level regulations in place that require detailed information be collected on individuals picking up Class II through Class IV controlled substances. Should your business reside in one of these states, Paladin has a solution. All pharmaceutical dispensing systems that have bi-directional integration with Paladin may use the feature. Paladin requests and requires […]