In Paladin, you can create messages for many purposes, including the following:

  • Upsell products and services
  • Broadcast upcoming events for your store or community
  • Show support for local charities
  • Promote in-store loyalty program
  • Send customers to a webstore or social media sites
  • Protect your company from liability issues by providing information, including the following:
    • Legal or compliancy notices (optional: signature required)
    • Manufacture warranty messages
    • Product warnings and notices

This article provides instruction and information on the following:

How to customize receipt text and images

Note: Figure 1 shows where each of the values appear on the receipt.

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Forms tab.
  3. In the Form Information pane, the following information can be added to the receipt:
    • Advance By-Line 1 (and optional Advance By-Line 2)
    • Company Name
    • Trailer By-Line 1 (and optional Trailer By-Line 2)
      Note: This message does not appear on the big form.
    • Footer Line 1 (and optional additional information in the remaining numbered 2 -4 boxes)
    • Logo
      •  In the Logo pane, click Upload, then browse to the image of the logo.
      • If you want to upload a logo file, you must use one of the following image file types:
        • PNG (.png) [recommended]
        • GIF (.gif)
        • TIF (.tif)
        • BMP (.bmp) [not recommended]
      • Your logo image file cannot be larger than 450 x 110 pixels and 1 MB in size.
  1. QR Code
    • In the Invoice QR Code pane, check Enable Invoice QR Code, click Upload, then browse to the image of the logo to select it.

Multi-store note: If you run the multi-store version of Paladin, each store location can upload a distinct QR code for their location.

  1. QR Message 1 box, enter your message (and optional additional information in the remaining numbered 2- 4 boxes).
  2. Click Save.
  3. Select the Company tab.
    • In the Receipt Text pane, check Enable Receipt Text.
    • In the Receipt Text Class Number field, enter the Class number to trigger the message.
    • In the Receipt Line field (there are 4 available), enter the text to be shown on receipts.
  1. Click Save, then click Close.

You can disable showing customer information and customer name on receipts by performing the following:

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select he Forms tab.
  3. In the Form Information pane, check Invoice/Receipt Hide Customer Info.

Note: Invoice/Receipt Hide Customer Info must be checked to enable Invoice/Receipt Hide Customer Name to be checked. 

  1. Click Save, then click Close.

Note: Hiding customer information and customer name does not function for Delivery or Full Sheet receipts.

Customized receipt values
Figure 1: Customized receipt values

If you want to customize the message on emailed invoices, see How to add a custom message on emailed receipts.

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How to create a product message

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Inventory module.
  2. Enter the part number in the Part # box.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Open the General tab.
  5. In the Item Information pane, in the Autotext box, enter a message.
  6. Click Save.

The message will appear below the item on both the invoice and the receipt.

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How to create a signature message by class

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Company tab.
  3. In the Signature Required pane, check Enable Signature Required.
  4. In the Signature Required Class Number box, enter a class ID.
  5. In the Signature Pad Line 1 box, enter the message.
  6. Optional: Enter additional information in the remaining numbered boxes.
  7. In the Receipt Text pane, check Enable Receipt Text.
  8. In the Receipt Text Class Number box, enter a class ID.
  9. In the Receipt Line 1 box, enter the message and the class ID.
  10. Optional: Enter additional information in the remaining numbered boxes.
  11. Click Save, then click Close.

The message will open on the signature pad and/or the receipt.

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How to create a tax exemption message

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Taxes tab.
  3. In the Tax Exemption pane, check Require Signature for Tax Exemption.
  4. In the Exemption Receipt Text box, enter a message.
  5. Click Save, then click Close.

The message will appear on receipts.

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How to add a custom message on emailed receipts

Your custom message will replace this default text:

Your invoice from <your store> is attached.
Thank you for your business.

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Forms tab.
  3. In the Invoice Email Message box, enter your custom text.
  4. Click Save, then click Close.

Custom message on email receipt
Figure 2: Custom message on email receipt

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If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact

*Content is subject to change. For the most recent version, visit the Help Portal.
Printed on: 12/21/24