HomePass is a third-party accounts receivable management company that handles all the logistics for the store’s HomePass customers. It is partnered with Credit First National Association (CFNA), assures next day payment to the store, and sends monthly statements to customers.

After completing an application, the customer will be issued a private label credit card and assigned a credit limit. Because HomePass cards are not compatible with Paladin, they are used only as membership cards. Invoices are charged to the customer’s HomePass account.

To set up a HomePass account, refer to the following document: HomePass 

The following procedures must be performed in the following order:

  1. How to set up a HomePass account in Paladin
  2. How to process an invoice for a HomePass account
  3. How to process a payment toward a HomePass account
  4. How to track HomePass transactions for a specific date range

How to set up a HomePass account in Paladin

Important: If a customer already has a charge account in Paladin that they want to keep separate from their HomePass charges, they must create a separate account. If the customer does not currently have an account set up in Paladin, and will only be charging through their HomePass account, they just need to set up the HomePass account.

  1. On the HomePass website, sign up the customer.
  2. Make a note of both the credit limit amount and the account number that HomePass has assigned to the customer’s account.
  3. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  4. Select the Customer Type tab.
  5. In the Types pane, click New. The cursor automatically appears in the Type field.
  6. In the Type field, enter Home Pass.
  7. Click Save, then click Close.
  8. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Customers module.
  9. On the bottom ribbon of the module, click F2 Add Customer.
  10. Use the following table for information to enter in the Add Customer window:

For this command

Enter this term


HP – First Last, where First Last = the customers first and last name. Example: HP – John Doe.


The customer’s billing street address.


The customer’s billing city.


The customer’s billing state.


The customer’s 5-digit billing zip code.

Credit Limit

The credit limit assigned by Home Pass.

Note: This credit limit must equal the amount that HomePass assigned to their account; otherwise, the store might accidentally charge the customer more than the amount available on their account.

  1. In the Add Customer window, click Add. The new account will load in the Customers module.
  2. In the Customers module, in the Customers tab, in the Form Control pane, uncheck Create month-end statement. This must be done because HomePass will handle all financing/statements for HomePass accounts.
  3. Select the Electronic tab.
  4. In the Alternate Customer IDs pane, click Edit ID Data.
  5. In the Alternate ID Manager window, in the Enter Alt ID field, enter the customer’s HomePass account number.
  6. In the type list, adjacent to the Enter Alt ID field, select Other, then click Add.
  7. Click F12 Finish. The Alternate ID Manager window will close, and the customer’s HomePass account number will appear in the Alternate Customer IDs pane.
  8. In the Alternate Customer IDs pane, in the Customer Type list, select Home Pass.
  9. Click F12 Save.

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How to process an invoice for a HomePass account

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Invoice/Quote module.
  2. In the Rewards box, enter the customer’s HomePass account number, then press Enter. The customer’s HomePass account will be added to the invoice.
  3. Scan or manually add the desired items to the invoice.
  4. Click Checkout.
  5. Click Charge, then press Enter.
  6. In the Invoice Information window, click Next.
  7. In the Signature Capture window, have the customer sign on your signature capture device.
  8. When their signature appears in the Signature Capture window, click Next. The sale will be finalized, and their receipt will print.
  9. In the Transaction Complete window, click Duplicate Receipt, then click Done.
  10. Using the duplicate receipt, duplicate the transaction in the HomePass website.

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How to process a payment toward a HomePass account

HomePass customers pay their accounts on the HomePass website. When you receive the financing money from HomePass for the customer’s payment, pay off the customer’s HomePass account in Paladin.

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Invoice/Quote module.
  2. In the Rewards box, enter the customer’s HomePass account number, then press Enter. The customer’s HomePass account will be added to the invoice.
  3. Click Account Payment.
  4. In the Account Payment window, in the Payment box, enter the payment amount, then click Checkout.
  5. In the Checkout tab, click Check, then press Enter.
  6. In the Check Processing window, in the Check # field, enter HP- followed by the 5-digit check number. Example: HP-12345.
  7. In the Check Processing window, click Next.
  8. In the Transaction Complete window, click Done.

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How to track HomePass transactions for a specific date range

This procedure helps accountants track all charges to HomePass accounts within a specific date range, which will give the accountant the information that is needed for HomePass charge records.

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, click the Reports module.
  2. In the Reports Area pane, select Sales Analysis > What I Need To Know.
  3. In the Report List pane, select Transaction Report.
  4. In the Chose Report pane, click F12 Next.
  5. In the Transaction Report window, in the Report Settings pane, enter the following settings:





The first day you want to look for HomePass transactions. Example: 01-Jan-17

The last day you want to look for HomePass transactions. Example: 31-Jan-17

  1. In the Additional Settings pane, select ROACheck or Charge from the Payment Method list.
  2. In the Additional Settings pane, select CustomerType from the first Keyword Search list. The second Keyword Search list will appear with a list of customer types.
  3. In the second Keyword Search list, select Home Pass.
  4. From the Sorting Options pane, click F12 Run Report. The Transaction Report opens in Adobe Reader.
    • This report can be used to post the correct HomePass transaction details to the HomePass website if the transactions were not posted when the initial invoices were processed.
    • This report is also good to keep on record for the HomePass transactions during the date range selected.

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If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact support@paladinpos.com.

*Content is subject to change. For the most recent version, visit the Help Portal.
Printed on: 2/08/25