Pharmacists can record a signature in Paladin that is tied to their employee record. Anytime a pharmacy consultation is accepted or declined by the customer, the salesperson may identify the pharmacist assisting the customer, and Paladin automatically associates the pharmacist’s signature with the consultation results.
Results are very easy to monitor or prove to auditing agencies. Transaction reports may be generated by all the normal methods. Included with every consult offered is the statement of Consult Accepted (or Declined), if pharmacist’s signature is enabled, and the pharmacist’s name and ID are printed with the transaction.
To enable this feature:
- In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
- Select the Employees tab.
- Click Set Signature, and if the terminal has a Topaz brand signature capture device accessible, you will see a checkout wizard style signature box displayed.
- Enter the signature and click OK. Do this for all personnel responsible for consultations. Do not store signatures for employees that do not have this privilege. Any employee with a signature stored will display a message on this screen stating “Signature Currently Exists”.
- Select the Pharmacy tab.
- In the Consult pane, check Enable Pharmacy Consult. If signatures have been stored, check Enable Pharmacist Signature.
- Click Save, then click Close.
The Consultation message and options are in the invoice checkout wizard as the last step to complete before receipts are generated. A panel is displayed with the label of “Pharmacy Consult Wizard”. The default option displayed is Consultation (is) Not Required. Two other options may be selected by the salesperson: Required and Accepted or Required and Declined. If the pharmacist’s signature is enabled, a list of all pharmacists is displayed for the salesperson to select from.
If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact