The Receivables settings control how monthly statements are generated in Paladin.
To access these settings:
- In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
- Select the Receivables tab.
Note: There are two sections to the Receivables tab, which are presented below, the Statements pane and the Invoice/Quote pane.
The following are the settings/descriptions of options in the Statements pane:
Setting |
Description |
Enable Statement Generation |
Turns on statements. |
Enable Automatic Statement Generation |
Month-end statements process automatically overnight on the day of the month the previous statement run was performed. (Note: A different date can be set). The statement generation process is completely separated from the printing process, and printing and/or emailing statements can occur at different times. |
Statements will include data up through this day, and will be generated the next morning |
Sets the day of the month the previous Month-end statement ran, determining when the next Month-end statement will run. |
Service Charge % |
Service charge percentage will only be applied to customers with a past due balance. |
Default Service Charge Min |
Is the minimum past due service charge amount if higher than the Service Charge %. |
Min Balance for Discount |
Minimum account balance required to receive a prompt payment discount. |
Service Charge Grace Amount |
Service charge is NOT applied to a statement if the balance is below this amount. |
Statements Output to Printer |
Turns on printed statements. |
Statements Output to File System |
Saves statements to your computer, typically in the directory: C:\paladinpos\statements |
Do Not Output Emailed Statements to File System |
If selected, emailed statements will not save to your computer. |
Print Transaction Details with Statements |
If selected, transaction details will print on customer statements. |
Print Only Open Item Transaction Details |
If selected, includes only transaction details for open items on statements. Open items include unused credits and unpaid invoices. |
Fit Statement to Windowed Envelope |
Adjusts statement margins to fit a windowed envelope. |
Include credit balance statements |
Create statements for accounts with a credit balance. |
Ignore Credits Dated Later Than Today |
If selected, will not include credits for ACH payments scheduled in the future on statements. |
Disable Prompt Pay Discount After Day of month |
If selected, this disables Prompt Payment Discounts after a certain amount of days since statements are ran. |
Disable Emailing Project Workbooks |
If selected, will not include an Excel file with project details with emailed statements |
The following are the settings/descriptions of options in the Invoice/Quote pane:
Setting | Description |
Invoice Hold When |
Customers with a credit limit who are past due cannot make a charge payment when the payment is overdue:
Display Prompt Payment Discount After Balance is 0 | Apply a prompt payment discount when the statement balance is zero. |
Disable Credit Balance Checkout Message | Will not show a customer’s credit balance to the cashier on the checkout screen in the Invoice/Quote module. |
Print Balances on ROA Receipts | Will include the remaining account balance on the bottom of an account payment receipt. |
Account Payment Reverse Discount/Payment Fields | If selected, the Payment field will be on top. If not selected, the default is the Discount field on top. |
If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact