The Receivables settings control how monthly statements are generated in Paladin. 

To access these settings:

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2.  Select the Receivables tab.

Note: There are two sections to the Receivables tab, which are presented below, the Statements pane and the Invoice/Quote pane.

The following are the settings/descriptions of options in the Statements pane:



Enable Statement Generation 

Turns on statements.  
Requires Paladin Support 

Enable Automatic Statement Generation

Month-end statements process automatically overnight on the day of the month the previous statement run was performed. (Note: A different date can be set). The statement generation process is completely separated from the printing process, and printing and/or emailing statements can occur at different times.
Requires Paladin Support to turn off.

Statements will include data up through this day, and will be generated the next morning

Sets the day of the month the previous Month-end statement ran, determining when the next Month-end statement will run.

Service Charge % 

Service charge percentage will only be applied to customers with a past due balance. 

Default Service Charge Min 

Is the minimum past due service charge amount if higher than the Service Charge %.

Min Balance for Discount 

Minimum account balance required to receive a prompt payment discount. 

Service Charge Grace Amount 

Service charge is NOT applied to a statement if the balance is below this amount. 

Statements Output to Printer 

Turns on printed statements. 
Note: The Report printer must be defined on the Network tab. 

Statements Output to File System 

Saves statements to your computer, typically in the directory: C:\paladinpos\statements 

Do Not Output Emailed Statements to File System 

If selected, emailed statements will not save to your computer. 

Print Transaction Details with Statements 

If selected, transaction details will print on customer statements. 

Print Only Open Item Transaction Details  

If selected, includes only transaction details for open items on statements. Open items include unused credits and unpaid invoices.  

Fit Statement to Windowed Envelope 

Adjusts statement margins to fit windowed envelope. 

Include credit balance statements 

Create statements for accounts with a credit balance. 

Ignore Credits Dated Later Than Today 

If selected, will not include credits for ACH payments scheduled in the future on statements.   

Disable Prompt Pay Discount After Day of month 

If selected, this disables Prompt Payment Discounts after a certain amount of days since statements are ran.

Disable Emailing Project Workbooks 

If selected, will not include an Excel file with project details with emailed statements 

The following are the settings/descriptions of options in the Invoice/Quote pane:

Setting Description
Invoice Hold When 

Customers with a credit limit who are past due cannot make a charge payment when the payment is overdue: 

  • Never: Always allow [default] 
  • Past-due-1: 30 days 
  • Past-due-2: 60 days 
  • Past-due-3: 90 days  
Display Prompt Payment Discount After Balance is 0  Apply prompt payment discount when the statement balance is zero.
Disable Credit Balance Checkout Message  Will not show a customer’s credit balance to the cashier on the checkout screen in the Invoice/Quote module
Print Balances on ROA Receipts  Will include the remaining account balance on the bottom of an account payment receipt. 
Account Payment Reverse Discount/Payment Fields  If selected, the Payment field will be on top. If not selected, the default is the Discount field on top.

If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact

*Content is subject to change. For the most recent version, visit the Help Portal.
Printed on: 1/04/25