With the Inventory Valuation Summary by Department report, you can see the total value of inventory filtered by part number ranges, departments, suppliers, classes, subclasses, or locations.

Note: Year to date (YTD) sales data is fully presented. YTD sales figures are calculated on historical data of parts based on the department of the item at time of sale, not current department. With this, the report includes departments that have no current items but have YTD sales data (due to items moving departments). This allows YTD data to match the Inventory Master report YTD data.

The report includes the following information by department:

    • Number of Items
    • Stock Value
    • Retail Value
    • YTD Sales
    • YTD Profit
    • Margin on Sales
    • Dept. Gross margin return on investment (GMROI)

To run the report:

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Reports module.
  2. In the Report Area pane, select Inventory > General.
  3. In the Report List pane, select Inventory Valuation Summary.
  4. In the Choose Report pane, click F12 Next.
  5. In the Inventory Valuation Summary window, in the Report Settings pane, enter the report parameters.
  6. In the Additional Settings pane, you have the option to check Include On-Hold Inventory.
  7. In the Sorting Options pane, click F12 Run Report.

A PDF of the report opens.

If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact support@paladinpos.com.

*Content is subject to change. For the most recent version, visit the Help Portal.
Printed on: 12/27/24