Note: It is recommended to have a Paladin TSR help set up this feature.

Paladin clients may want to provide a percentage discount to customers who buy a certain number of items on the Buy One, Get One (BOGO) sales list.

In the following, we provide an example of a 10% discount on all BOGO sale items when the consumer buys at least 6 products on the BOGO sales list. However, these steps can be followed for any BOGO percentage discount by changing the Discount Amount and the Limit Amount.

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Rewards tab.

Note: Take note of the current Customer rewards program setting as it must be reset to its original type. The choices are:

      • None
      • Rich Rewards
      • Ace Hardware
      • Do It Best Rewards
      • Repeat Rewards
      • True Value
      • Orgill FanBuilder
  1. In the Customer rewards program list, select Ace Hardware.
  2. Check Enable Ace Rewards.
  3. Check Instant Savings Enabled.


    • If the account was already set to type Ace Hardware, take caution when enabling the Instant Savings option in the step above.
      • If they are type Ace Hardware, and the Instant Savings Enabled option was already activated, ignore this step and go directly to step 9 below.
      • If they are type Ace Hardware, and they were not already enabled for instant savings, the customer needs to make sure that they do not receive Ace Instant Savings information in their weekly hot sheet from ACE. They can contact Ace directly to confirm that Ace Instant Savings is not active for their store.
    • Even still, use caution on all Ace stores that wish to participate in the Local Instant Savings option if they have elected to opt-out of the Ace Instant Savings program. This could potentially activate Ace Instant Savings coupons should the Instant Savings data happen to find its way into the client’s Ace hot sheet.
  1. Click Save.
  2. After the save, set the Customer rewards program type back to its original setting if different than Ace Hardware.
  3. Click Save again.
  4. Select the Sale List tab.
  5. In the Sales pane, click New.
  6. In the Name box, enter a name for the BOGO sale.
  7. In the ID box, enter a unique identification for the sale.
  8. In the Source box, nothing is required.
  9. In the Type list, select Local Instant Savings.
  10. Check Sale Reduces Taxable Amount only if your state allows for reducing taxable amounts on BOGO sales.
  11. Click Save.
  12. In the Sale Items pane, click New.
  13. In the Part Number box, enter the part numbers of the BOGO sale items that the client wants to include in the mix-and-match percentage BOGO. These items do not need to be equal in price as the system will discount proportionally.
  14. In the Price box, enter the price zero ‘0’. The discount will be applied to the normal retail price.
  15. Click Save.
  16. For each BOGO item to be included in the BOGO sale, repeat steps 10-13.
  17. Save the new Sale Items.
  18. Select the Pricing Plan tab and click New.
  19. In the Name box, enter the name of the BOGO sale.
  20. Check Apply to All Transactions.
  21. In the Sale List Range Start box, enter the Unique Sale ID number.
  22. In the Sale List Range End box, enter the Unique Sale ID number.
  23. In the Discount or Markup list, select Local Instant Savings .
  24. In the Advanced Settings pane, check Enable Advanced Settings.
  25. In the Advanced Settings pane, in each of the following boxes, enter the information shown in the following table:
Name of box Enter this information
Quantity at Retail Price (Leave blank)
Quantity at Discounted Price (Leave blank)
Discount Type Percentage Off
Discount Amount 10
Limit Type Min Quantity
Limit Scope Sale
Limit Amount 6 (or desired minimum quantity to activate the 10% kicker discount)
List Type Mix and Match
Description Percentage Discount

Note: The Description box is limited to 25 characters. The description appears on the receipt.

  1. Click Save, then click Close
  2. Close and restart Paladin on all computers that you want to accept this BOGO sale.
  3. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Invoice/Quote module to test your new BOGO sale.
  4. Scan an item that is included in this BOGO percentage discount sale and put in a quantity of 3.
  5. Scan another item that is also included in this BOGO percentage discount sale and put in a quantity of 3. Because the minimum quantity of 6 was met, a discount of 10% will be applied to each item. If so, the testing is verified and working correctly.
  6. Press the ESC key to remove the test invoice.

If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact

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Printed on: 5/17/24