Note: This article is for multi-stores only.

Note: Paladin’s best practice is only create special orders for the local store.

  1. In Paladin, from the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Company tab.
  3. In the Special Orders pane, check Enable Multistore Special Order Functionality.
  4. Optional: Check Allow Special Orders to Create Customers

Note: Each time a new customer account is created from a special order, the customer information will be shared across all stores.

  1. In the Inventory pane, check Enable Editing of Remote Inventory. This allows updates for remote inventory and remote special orders.
  2. Click Save, then click Close.

Note: A message window opens when finalizing a special order at the local store asking to specify the target location.

If you have questions or suggestions about this information, contact

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Printed on: 5/03/24