This article provides instruction and information on the following:

How to set up a prompt for a Quantity Price Break 

When set, the Quantity Price Break prompt sets a beep from the store’s computer speakers and displays an information message box on the Invoice/Quote window informing the salesperson that Quantity Break Pricing levels exist on an item. After the salesperson sees the message, they can press F8 Recall Transaction to clear the message and continue their sales processes.

To enable the Quantity Price Break prompt:

  1. In Paladin, on the main menu, select File > Setup.
  2. Select the Invoice (Store) tab.
  3. In the Invoice pane, check Display Invoicing Pop-UP Message for Items with Quantity Discounts.
  4. Click Save, then click Close.

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How to set up a Quantity Price Break

  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Inventory module.
  2. Find and display the inventory item by either entering a part in the Part # box or, on the bottom ribbon of the module, selecting F1 Advanced Lookup.
  3. Click the Pricing tab.
  4. In the Pricing Levels pane, in row 2, in the Quantity column, enter a quantity for the discount.
  5. In the Sale Price column, enter the price value for the quantity. 

Note: In the Margin box, you can adjust the margin to recalculate the pricing per line (if needed).

  1. To add more quantity price breaks, repeat steps 4 and 5 for lines 3 and 4 of the Pricing Levels pane (see the following example).
  2. When you are done making changes, in the the Pricing Levels pane, click F12 Save.

Note: When you add a part number to the transaction, the quantity price break(s) that you set appear in the Invoice/Quote module under Description. As the quantity is changed, the correct pricing appears in the retail price field.


Line Box Enter this amount
1 Sale Price 1.50
2 Quantity 4
2 Sale Price 5.00
3 Quantity 10
3 Sale Price 10.00

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How to create the Quantity Price Break List report

The Quantity Price Break List shows price breaks for a range of suppliers you specify in Report Settings. The Quantity Price Break List report shows the active inventory items that offer lower prices for larger quantities (items with two or more pricing levels). The list includes the price and margin (optional) for each pricing level.

The Quantity Price Break List report shows the following results:

  • Active inventory items that offer lower prices for larger quantities (for items with two or more pricing levels)
  • Price and (optional) margin for each pricing level
  • Price breaks for a range of specified suppliers
  1. In Paladin, on the top ribbon, select the Reports module.
  2. In the Reports tab, in the Report Area pane, select Inventory > General.
  3. In the Report List pane, click Quantity Price Break List.
  4. In the Choose Report pane, click F12 Next.
  5. In the Report Settings pane, set the options, such as a range or suppliers or locations.
  6. If you want to display the margin percentage for each price level, in Additional Settings, check Display Margins?
  7. Click F12 Run Report.

A PDF file of the report opens.

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Printed on: 9/09/24