What’s a GMROI?


Nope, it’s not a kind of sushi. It’s an important number used to determine how well your investment in inventory is performing. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to calculate it, how to interpret it, and strategies to improve your Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment. It might sound intimidating, but don’t worry. Our presenter will lay it out for you in small digestible bites.

Accounts Receivable for everyone!


Credit limits, prompt payment discounts, detailed statements, bi-weekly statements, no statements. There are so many ways to set up accounts receivable. You’ll be surprised by the amazing AR options available in Paladin Point of Sale. Be sure to limber up before this webinar. This much flexibility may take some getting used to.

Invoicing brings it all together


They came, they shopped, and now they’re ready to purchase. Invoicing is often taken for granted, but it’s one more opportunity to make a good impression on your customers. The truth is, an amazing array of tools are available in the invoicing screen. This webinar focuses on finding, well, all of them, so you can help your customers track down and purchase exactly what they need.

Put together your next sale in record time


A member of our crack sales team has discovered an extremely clever way to use an RF Terminal to quickly build a list of items for your next sale. The longer the list, the more time saved, with little room for human error. You’ll also learn how to process the data and put it all together in Paladin Point of Sale.

Suggested Order. Better than a magic 8 ball

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Wouldn’t it be great if your point of sale system could tell you which items your customers are likely to buy over the next two weeks? Well, that’s exactly what your Suggested Order report does! Our web host will explain how it works and why you should use this incredible tool. Is attending this webinar a good idea? Signs point to yes!

Splits happen! The new “Invoice (store)” tab


They have to leave the nest sometime. In the setup menu, a select group of the global adjustments have left the protection of the “Company” tab and, along with some new features, have banded together under the new “Invoice (Store)” tab. Our webinar host will explain these changes and the new features under the “Invoice (Store)” tab. Sources close to both tabs report they have parted as friends and the Company tab is looking forward to much quieter evenings and weekends.

Shields up! Protect your data and computers


Paladin’s ManagedSecurity™ will safeguard all your computers from ransomware, viruses, spy-ware, and many more online threats. Best of all, ManagedSecurity™ is constantly updated to keep your computers protected from new hazards as they emerge.

Bracing for Black Friday and beyond


The holiday season will be here before you know it and customers will be looking for bargains to put under the tree. Our resident planner, Jenny, will share ideas and motivation to help you prepare for, and prosper, this holiday season. Remember, The Grinch also goes by another name: Procrastination!

The mighty F6


Do you know how to quickly suspend a sale so you can come back to it later or recall a quote made for a customer last week? In this webinar our presenter will turn the power of the F6 key over to you so you can do even more in Paladin Point of Sale.

Building profits with lumber specific features


Selling lumber can be complicated, especially when you deal in large quantities. Charles will show you tools that allow you to easily determine your cost per board when receiving lumber in mill units and protect your profitability when you sell it. He’ll give away a few more tips as well, but you must be present to win.

Gift bundles add cheer to holiday sales


Generate some customer love and increase your sales using gift bundles! Charles will show you how to create unique holiday offerings by combining several products under a single SKU. Customers save time, get a great value, and you move more merchandise. Everybody wins!

All about that kit Part II


This 30-minute webinar is Part 2 of a two-part series. If you missed part I, we recommend viewing All About That Kit [Part I] prior to watching this webinar. Part II will take you deeper into creating different types of kits. By the end of this two-part webinar series, you should understand the interworking of kits and how to successfully configure them.

Custom reports using Microsoft Access


Did you know Paladin offers several additional reports inside Microsoft Access? Throughout this 30-minute webinar, our Paladin expert will show you which reports are must-haves for your store and why they are beneficial. Learn how to download and access these reports in a snap!