Multi-store: Primary, Backup, and Remote servers

Knowledge Base, Policy, Process

When you start Paladin on a terminal in a multi-store environment, the terminal’s primary and backup database server settings are automatically synced with storewide defaults. This safeguard prevents a terminal from connecting to an incorrect server and eliminates potential costly troubleshooting. If a terminal, such as the backup server, requires custom primary and backup database […]

DataWise™: Access sales information

Knowledge Base, Maintain, Process

DataWise™ creates a secure off-site backup of the point of sale data you use to run your business. The process takes place automatically on an hourly basis. Nothing to remember or forget. If your data is lost due to fire, theft, or catastrophic computer failure, a call to Paladin’s customer support team will get your […]

Perform a nightly off-site backup

Backup, Knowledge Base

Because theft, computer failure, electrical outages, and natural disasters can occur, it is vital to protect your store by maintaining backup copies of your data. Paladin sets up your system so that Scheduled Tasks in Microsoft Windows™ can automatically generate a file on Terminal-1 and place a copy on Terminal-2. That way you have two […]